How To Write Blogs

There are various steps which should be taken while writing blogs:

  • Select a Genre

If your aim is to attract readers beyond your friends and family, it’s a good idea to pick a genre. Establishing yourself as someone with an interesting opinion on a certain set of topics will keep people. People blog about everything under the sun: family, food, cars, professions, the apocalypse, and gardening. Think about your own priorities in life and decide where your blog should be.

Read other blogs that fall into the same genre to get a sense of the community that is already built around that particular topic. Entering the blogosphere is like entering a big group conversation. What are you going to contribute? What’s unique about your story? These will make your blog interesting and famous.

  •  Expert Writing:

The most compelling writing is confident and authoritative, no matter what the topic is. People who take the time to read the writing will want to feel as though they’re learning something. Offering the expert opinion on an issue, expert tips on how to do something, or expert information not readily available from other sources will make blog worth reading.

  • There is no need to be an expert. There are already areas in which you can have expertise: own life. Your taste, your opinions, your experience. Everyone is an expert in something, and blogs are a great way for people to share their knowledge with this world.
  • Write in assertive prose, rather than using passive language. Back yourself up with anecdotes, and where appropriate, research.
  • Consider creative ways to share your knowledge with the readers. You could tell a hilarious story everyone can relate to and learn from, an amazing restaurant which you explored, share a tutorial on how to do something you could do with your eyes closed, review little-known musicians or artists who need some promotion, discuss ways to calm down a screaming toddler in a restaurant . . .so the possibilities are endless.
  • Writing Style:

Blogs, unlike most traditional writing forms, are casual, conversational, and relatable. When you’re writing a post, it might help to pretend like you’re talking to someone. Use that same voice in all of posts so that they feel cohesive and represent you as a person. A common response readers have to popular blogs is that they feel like they “know the person.” When you hit on a tone and style that creates a sense of familiarity with people you’ve never met, you’ve struck blogger gold.

  • Share details:

If the blog is too dry and formal, then it’s going to have trouble keeping readers. Share as much of your life experience as you’re comfortable sharing; you’ll build trust with readers and strengthen that “relationship” we discussed in the previous step.

  • How much should you share? A good marker is to share the amount of information you’d share with a pretty good friend who knows you well. Your personality and unique experiences should shine through.
  • Know your limits and stick to them. There will always be some details you keep to yourself or share only with intimate friends and family members, and that’s OK. Once you publish something on the internet, it’s hard to take it back, so don’t force yourself out of your personal comfort zone.


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